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These articles focus on crosswaves and their articles. We also have an article in which we discuss longitudinal waves in detail; You can check this out if you want to know more about them. A) Cross waves do not require a medium for their propagation. They can even spread through a vacuum. There are mainly two types of mechanical waves, namely: A simple example is the waves that can be created on a horizontal length of the rope by anchoring one end and moving the other end up and down. Another example is that of waves that come from the membrane of a drum. The waves propagate in directions parallel to the plane of the membrane, but each point of the membrane itself is shifted from top to bottom perpendicular to this plane. Light is another example of a transverse wave, where oscillations are the electric and magnetic fields that point perpendicular to the ideal light rays that describe the direction of propagation. If the medium is linear and allows several independent directions of displacement for the same direction of motion d, we can choose two mutually perpendicular polarization directions and express each linearly polarized wave in a different direction as a linear combination (mixing) of these two waves. Wondering what a transverse wave is and what is the definition of transverse waves? From a physical point of view, a transverse wave is a wave whose oscillations of particles are perpendicular to the direction of the wave. These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word « crosswave ».

The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. The movement of particles in a longitudinal wave occurs in a direction parallel to the propagation of the direction of the wave. Examples of such waves are compressions that move on a slinky. A longitudinal wave of horizontal type can be formed by pushing and pulling the slinky in the horizontal direction. Mathematically, the simplest type of transverse wave is a linearly plane polarized sine wave. « Plan » here means that the direction of propagation over the whole medium is immutable and identical; « linearly polarized » means that the direction of displacement is equally unchanged and identical throughout the medium; and the amplitude of displacement is a sinusoidal function of time and position along the direction of propagation. The frequency of a cross wave refers to the number of wavelengths that pass through a certain fixed point in one second. The frequency of the wave represents the number of oscillations it performs per second. The wavelength of the wave is the distance between two adjacent valleys or peaks of the wave.

Some transverse waves are complex, which means that their curves contain more than one cosine or sine curve. Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article on the transverse wave « Transverse wave. » Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transverse%20wave. Retrieved 6 December 2022. In addition, we will learn more about examples that combine longitudinal and transverse waves. The image below shows a transverse wave reflected from a fixed end. When a cross wave hits a fixed end, the wave is reflected, but vice versa. The summit is exchanged with valleys and valleys with peaks. How a cross wave is reflected depends on whether it is attached to both ends.

First, let`s discuss a case where the waves are fixed at both ends. Cross-wave contrasts with longitudinal waves, in which oscillations occur in the direction of the wave. The standard example of a longitudinal wave is a sound wave or « pressure wave » in gases, liquids or solids whose oscillations cause the material through which the wave propagates to compress and expand. Pressure waves are called « primary waves » or « P-waves » in geophysics. The figure shows sinusoidal curves of different amplitudes. These curves show what a stationary transverse wave looks like at successive time intervals. The time it takes for a point on the wave to complete an oscillation across the axis is called the wave motion period. An observer looking at a fixed point p will see how the particle moves there in a simple harmonic motion (sinusoidal) with the period T seconds, with a maximum shift of the particle A in every sense of the word; i.e. with a frequency of f = 1/T complete oscillation cycles per second. A snapshot of all particles at a fixed time t shows the same displacement for all particles on each plane perpendicular to d, the displacements in successive planes forming a sinusoidal pattern, with each complete cycle along d extending around the wavelength λ = v T = v/f.