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I would just like some clarification. If an Android box is used with Kodi, are all items in the Kodi repository legal to use? I know that third parties are not. YouTube is okay too, isn`t it? What about Netflix? This is all a bit confusing. If you`re Canadian, you may be wondering why Android boxes are illegal in Canada. In some jurisdictions, receiving a feed is legal. For example, if you stream YouTube videos or Netflix shows, you`re not breaking the law. But in Canada, copyright law targets illegal streaming, and that law applies to both unauthorized and legal streaming. But streaming is a bit difficult to define, as many of these sites operate outside of Canada. Despite the fact that using an Android box to watch pirated content is illegal in Canada, many consumers still get one. Some even found them for sale on Kijiji.

The company, led by Joel Adams, found that it makes more money per month than he earns in his daily work. In a recent Toronto Star article, Adams said the company has recorded more than one million internet sessions a month with thousands of Canadian households. Will using a VPN prevent your ISP from blocking your Android inbox when you try to use Kodi or Mobdro addons? With the growth of the busy Android Box business, legal issues are also multiplying. But many people still wonder if Android TV boxes are legal or not. Some people worry that copyright laws will prevent them from selling these boxes. If they are caught using in Canada, they could be subject to prosecution. This can be done in different ways depending on the situation. Some Canadian cable companies have already banned them, and others fear that the popularity of these companies will cause them to cease operations. Still, some companies may not be as concerned about copyright laws if their boxes are designed to sell content legally. currently not working and it has been suggested that I might want to get an Android box that actually significantly reduced my cable/internet bill.

But now I`m here that they may not be legal in Canada and if I buy one, I could run the risk of it being cut. CBC News has called on the federal government to look into the legality of streaming. Hello Charles, In your article you say: « Update 3: Out of 4. In April 2017, Amazon officially banned the sale of Android TV boxes on its website. Amazon has even threatened to block the accounts of anyone who tries to sell « fully loaded » Android TV boxes. Out of curiosity, I went to Amazon`s website and searched for « Android TV Box. » To my surprise, thousands of results have surfaced. If they banned the TV box, why are they still selling it? Can you please bring some light into the darkness? However, it appears that there has been no evidence that someone left a store with a specially configured TV box to access illegal streaming services. The fact that some employees who worked in these stores gave advice on how to do so does not in itself constitute a violation, so the recordings offered nothing to support Allarco`s case. In fact, the court noted that setting up these boxes for hacking would require various steps, time, and knowledge to do so, so it is not true that these products are easy to misuse. « It`s not illegal, » Adams says. This has led to a significant increase in Kodi TV boxes.

You can easily find these Android-based streaming devices on Ebay or Amazon. They come with Kodi pre-installed, so you don`t have to manually install Kodi on your Android TV Box with its repositories and addons. However, are these Kodi boxes safe to use? And more importantly, can you get into legal trouble buying a Kodi TV box online? I don`t know if it`s a good idea to switch from regular cable to Android to stream mostly regular TV/music shows??? Regarding KODI and the fact that the app was pre-installed on some of the boxes sold, the judge ruled that KODI is just a neutral media player app that is not illegal in itself. KODI can be used for hacking purposes by using third-party add-ons that retrieve streams from pirate websites, but none of the TV boxes sold by Canadian retailers had such add-ons pre-installed.