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If the incentive is an element of paragraph 43.25(b), there does not have to be a threat, promise of payment or other specific incentive or even verbal conviction for the incentive to be proven. 76-5-401.2. Illegal sexual conduct with a 16- or 17-year-old. As of August 5, 2018: Here, « minor » means a person who is 16 years of age or older but under the age of 18. A person commits unlawful sexual conduct with a minor if he or she is 10 years of age or older or seven years or older but less than 10 years older and knew or ought reasonably to have known the age of the minor and (in circumstances that do not constitute rape, object rape, violent sodomy, violent sexual abuse, aggravated sexual assault, illegal sexual activity with a minor or attempt to commit any of these crimes): § 97-3-65. Increased penalties for forced sex or legal rape by administering certain substances. Under article 1310, there is an affirmative defence for the crimes described in articles 1306 to 1309 for consensual activities between legal spouses and for cases where the defendant reasonably believed that a minor was 13 years of age or older. Title 5 – Offences. Subtitle 2 – Crimes against the person. Chapter 14 – Sexual Offences. Sub-chapter 1 – General provisions. In December 2011, the Pennsylvania Legislature passed an amendment that states that a school employee who has sex with a student or sportsman under the age of 18 can receive a third-degree criminal complaint. In 2014, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett signed an amendment that provides for this law for athletic coaches working outside of an educational field.

Historically, Pennsylvania prosecutors were only allowed to file offense charges, such as bribery of minors, against teachers and coaches who had sex with 16- and 17-year-old students. [78] In addition to the charges of bribing minors, Pennsylvania prosecutors have also filed charges of endangering children against teachers who have had sex with 16- and 17-year-old students. [195] A person who has sexual contact with a person who is not the spouse of the aggressor – (..) 2° if the other person is under thirteen years of age; In some States, there are few specific circumstances in which crimes involving no person responsible for a child are considered reportable crimes. In Minnesota, for example, such a case is only reportable if the journalist suspects that an accused has sexually abused two or more children who are not related to the accused in the past 10 years. Rhode Island law does not require that non-family cases be reported in two situations: (1) when the defendant is under the age of 18; or (2) if the designated registrant is a physician or nurse treating a child under the age of 12 who has been infected with a sexually transmitted disease. In Iowa, the reporting requirements apply only to cases involving a person responsible for custody of the child in question. However, a separate provision requires the appointed rapporteurs to inform the competent authorities of all cases of sexual abuse involving a victim under the age of 12, regardless of the relationship of the accused with the victim. However, regardless of the age of consent, for the purposes of child prostitution offenses in Colorado, a « child » means a person under the age of eighteen. S.C.R. 18-7-401 (2).

A reasonable error of age or similarity of age is not a defence against these offences. C.R.S. 18-7-407 All child prostitution crimes are class three crimes (first class crimes are capital crimes, second class crimes include second-degree murder). So while it is not a crime for a 17-year-old to have non-commercial sex with a 60-year-old man in Colorado, it is a serious crime punishable by four to twelve years in prison if an 18-year-old engages in a sexual act or presents himself at a « place of prostitution » with the intention of doing so. for money or anything else of value with a seventeen-year-old child with the reasonable belief that the minor was under eighteen years of age. C.R.S. 18-7-406 The same conduct committed with an eighteen-year-old child and without believing that the prostitute was under eighteen years of age would be a crime. C.R.S. 18-7-205 persons under the age of eighteen are also children for the crime of having caused or forced someone to have sexual relations or to have sexual behavior with another to satisfy the voyeur or expose themselves to another for the sexual satisfaction of the voyeur, C.R.S.